
May 2018

I am glad to have magiceyetubes.com back up and running since my former web hosting company went MIA recently  My future intentions for the site are more projects, better technical information by tube number, and a detailed chronological history about the magic eye tube.  There will be a display of various magic eye tubes at Radio 50 in Nashua NH on March 3, 2019

I would like to thank all my fellow enthusiasts for their interest in this site.  I have received some wonderful emails from you, but I am also approached often by companies claiming I can profit by having advertisements on my site.  While I could use some extra cash, magiceyetubes.com is not the place for it.  I have vowed to keep the site interesting, informative, educational, and free of all advertising.  So please visit often and be confident that there will be no annoying advertisements.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for visiting!
